Bad guys don't want opponents; they want victims!

Atlanta Home Invasion caught on video!!!

Posted by Leon S. on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Under: Home Invasions
Are you prepared to safely defend yourself or your loved ones when your door is kicked in at 2:00 in the morning? Do you have the means to protect yourself? If you own a handgun, have you taken a gun safety class that shows you how to properly use that gun to safely defend your family while reducing their risk of injury? Have you put an emergency action plan in place? Watch this news video by Fox 5 Atlanta to see just how real the possibility of a home invasion is for occurring in your neighborhood.

Video of Stone Mountain Home Invasion Released:

Had this Atlanta businessman taken one of our courses, he would have known how to better respond to the sound of a door breaking. He would have known where was the best location nearest or in their room that could have provided solid covering protection from gunshots being fired by these criminals. He would also have known that he should not have been going out to investigate without having a firearm in hand and a mobile phone handy. There were several tactical mistakes and shortcomings that are identifiable based on the news story. Luckily, this man was not seriously injured nor was his girlfriend or the young child.  DON'T LET THIS BE YOU!!! Don't be a victim! Learn how taking  basic and advanced Firearm (Handgun) training with Superior Security Concepts can help you to avoid these troubling and horrible situations. Criminals know how to use their you?? If this brave businessman comes across this blog, I would love to offer him the opportunity to come out for a FREE training session by Superior Security Concepts. He deserves to know how best to protect his loved ones!

In : Home Invasions 

Tags: ""atlanta home invasion"" 

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